Windows 7 or later, 32 or 64 bit
Intel or Apple Silicon, OS X 10.8 or later.
The Trumpet v3 allows you to control every aspect of the sound, from breath modulation to type of attack, timbre, vibrato intensity and rate, growl, flutter-tongue etc…
Sample libraries typically employ several pre-recorded dynamic layers, utilizing cross-fades and volume matching techniques.
Samplemodeling proprietary “Harmonic Alignment” technology allows continuous transition across the dynamics without any side effects.
No pre-recorded articulations as in conventional libraries. You’ll be able to recreate virtually infinite types of articulations by the interaction of key velocity, expression controller, pitchwheel and modwheel, plus some additional MIDI CCs for special effects.
For complex articulations that may be difficult to play in real-time for the average user, the extended set of key-switches can be useful. One may choose to perform doits, chromatic falls… or a continuous portamento over two octaves by simply overlapping two notes, to split it manually playing intermediate legato notes, or to split it automatically, generating any type of scales… the possibilities are endless.
Composed and performed by Maciej Mulawa. The pertinent MIDI files (trumpets only) are available in the downloads section.
Experience the iconic 20th Century Fox Fanfare performed with Samplemodeling Full Brass. Watch as Mark’s mockup delivers powerful, full brass rendition, re-creating the classic intro.
– Samplemodeling Brass (added csb horns for more thickness)
– spitfire symphonic woodwinds
– orchestral tools berlin strings